Are you new to SIESTA?
If you’re new to SIESTA (TranSIESTA) and want to run your first simulations without the need to compile SIESTA code, we recommend using the graphical user interface ASAP. The ASAP embedded installer fetches a pre-compiled SIESTA serial executable (versions 4.0, 4.1, and psml-support) and automatically configures ASAP to use it.
A variety of operating systems are supported, including Windows, Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and MacOS/Darwin. Visit ASAP online manual for detailed information.

Download SIESTA and TranSIESTA for your operating system
SIMUNE team has prepared static binaries for SIESTA, available for free download.
Compatible with MacOS 10.15 Catalina or newer and with Intel-based processor.
SIESTA version 5
Request parallel version of SIESTA
Please contact our support team to have a quotation for a custom compilation of the parallel version of SIESTA (v4.0, 4.1, MaX1.2 psml support and 5) for a cluster or large HPC facility.
Run SIESTA executable
To run SIESTA on Unix system please use the command line:
SIESTA-binary < siesta.fdf > siesta.out
Linux and MacOS operating system you need to run the following command:
chmod +x SIESTA-binary
to allow executable permissions.
Find here how to run SIESTA executable on Windows 10:
SIESTA executable on Windows.pdf
SIESTA v4.0 was released in 2016 under the terms of the GPL open-source license. Since then, various branches and official version of SIESTA have been produced, including version 4.1, and psml-version. Please find a guide to different versions of SIESTA at the wiki-project:
SIESTA source code used for compiling the binaries:
- Windows: Link included in the download package
- MacOS: SIESTA 4.0, SIESTA 4.1
- Linux: SIESTA 4.0, SIESTA 4.1, SIESTA Max 1.2 with psml support