1.1.- Ab initio quantum mechanical (or first principle) models
- Hartree-Fock (HF) method
- Higher level ab initio method
- Density Funcional Theory
1.2.- Many body models and effective Hamiltonians
- Nearly-free electron models
- Pseudopotentials
- Semi-empirical tigh binding potential (TB) model
- Hubbard model
- k·p effective Hamiltonian
- Polarisable continuum model
- Envelope function approximation for continuous media
1.3.- Quantum mechanical in response to time dependent fields
- TD-DFT and TD(Spin)DFT
- The time-dependent
- k·p-model
- Other time dependent models
1.4.- Statistical charge transport model
- Semi-classical drift-diffusion model
- Percolation models
2.1.-Molecular Mechanics
2.2.- Statistical Mechanics models: Molecular Dynamics (MD)
- Cassical Molecular Dynamics
- Ab initio molecular dynamics
- Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM)
2.3.- Statistical Mechanics models: Monte Carlo molecular models
2.4.- Atomistic Spin models
2.5.-Statistical Mechanics for atomistic systems
- Langevin Dynamic method for magnetic spin systems
- Semi-classical non-equilibrium spin transport model
- Statistical transport model at atomistic level
Ref. L. Rosso; A.F. de Baas (2012), “What makes a material function? Let me compute the ways…”