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SIMUNE is a software company bringing scientific solutions for Materials Modelling and Simulations for industry and academic institutions to increase productivity, reduce cost, and accelerate product development for customers in a broad range of industries.
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Tire technology expo
SIMUNE participated at the Tire Technology 2024 exhibition Dr. Federico Marchesin presented to the tire community the potential of state-of-art ab-initio approaches. SIMUNE shared the botth with JSOL corporation, a company expert in [...]
Final AttoChem Workshop
Dr. Mónica García is attending as an invited speaker at the 5th AttoChem Workshop. Organized under the umbrella of the COST Action CA18222 (, it will take place at the University of La Laguna, [...]
Training in ASAP-UIT Solutions
8-10 January 2024. SIMUNE leads a three-day intensive training in ASAP (Atomistic Simulation Advanced Platform) for UIT Solutions team
New ASAP 23.3 release
SIMUNE team is delighted to announce the latest release of ASAP (Atomistic Simulation Advanced Platform), version 23.3. The comprehensive features of ASAP include a structure builder, diverse algorithmic workflows, control over local and remote jobs, [...]
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