Tire technology expo
SIMUNE participated at the Tire Technology 2024 exhibition https://www.tiretechnology-expo.com/en. Dr. Federico Marchesin presented to the tire community the potential of state-of-art ab-initio approaches. SIMUNE shared the botth with JSOL corporation, a company expert in [...]
Final AttoChem Workshop
Dr. Mónica García is attending as an invited speaker at the 5th AttoChem Workshop. Organized under the umbrella of the COST Action CA18222 (www.attochem.eu), it will take place at the University of La Laguna, [...]
Training in ASAP-UIT Solutions
8-10 January 2024. SIMUNE leads a three-day intensive training in ASAP (Atomistic Simulation Advanced Platform) for UIT Solutions team http://www.uitsolutions.com/eng/main/
New ASAP 23.3 release
SIMUNE team is delighted to announce the latest release of ASAP (Atomistic Simulation Advanced Platform), version 23.3. The comprehensive features of ASAP include a structure builder, diverse algorithmic workflows, control over local and remote jobs, [...]
EM-TCCM – Madrid
Dr. Yann Pouillon trains on ASAP platform for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) - Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) - programme students.
2023 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit
Stop by SIMUNE booth at the 2023 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit.
UAB Innovation Week – Barcelona
SIMUNE participates in the UAB Innovation Week. An event bringing cutting-edge technologies and innovative knowledge generated on campus directly to society.
SIESTA School 2023
CECAM Flagship School. This online event is aimed at students and researchers from different disciplines who already use, or plan to use, SIESTA code to simulate properties of matter at the atomic scale. [...]
J-OCTA seminar
Dr. Federico Marchesin presents ASAP platform at the J-OCTA seminar: Fundamentals and trends in materials design using ab initio simulation. An event to gather J-OCTA and SIESTA Modeler from the academic and industrial user [...]
BiD4BESt – Network Training Event
BiD4BESt – Network Training Event 5th – 9th June 2023, Donostia International Physics Centre DIPC, San Sebastian, Spain. The student engaged in a training session with SIMUNE ATOMISTICS on "Documenting scientific codes and tutorial [...]