A European ITN (Innovative Training Network), has been recently awarded by the European Commission, within the Marie Programme Skłodowska-Curie Actions for the development of a European Joint Doctorate on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM).
The coordinator of this European doctorate is Manuel Yáñez, professor in the Department of Chemistry and coordinator of an Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree.
The project has a budget of nearly 4 million euros for the next four years, and in addition to the UAM, 11 other European universities are participating: Leuven (Belgium), Groningen (Holland), Tolouse (France), Perugia (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Barcelona, Pisa (Italy), Pierre et Marie Curie (France), Porto (Portugal), Valencia and the Basque Country, as well as the universities of Paris-Saclay and Stockholm as partners.
In addition to SIMUNE, several leading companies from different sectors, in which computational modelling plays a fundamental role, will also participate actively in this European PhD: Glaxo (GSK), Biolitec, Matgas, PLC system, Master Up, Scientific Computing and Modelling (SCM) and Atria Science. The consortium also has the direct collaboration of two European supercomputing centres, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and CINECA (Italy) and the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomiques et Moleculaires (CECAM), in particular through its nodes in Zaragoza (ZCAM) and Toulouse.
This ITN will offer 15 doctoral contracts to develop as many projects in different areas of modelling: photodynamics, light-harvesting, phototherapy, new molecular materials, drug metabolites, organometallic catalysis, molecular magnetism and gas separation on graphene.
Further information can be found here.